Sunday, May 5, 2013


Starting this blog in order to collate all of my Magic the Gathering-style, Game of Thrones cards. This is a purely-for-fun, non-commercial activity of mine, in which I do not hope to profit from, therefore not infringe any copyrights at all. Nevertheless, I am well aware that the name Magic the Gathering and the card design are copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Also, most of the images used are screenshots from the HBO television series Game of Thrones. I also use many images that I find on google/images; because of the great number, I will rarely state the copyrights, but note that none of these I claim as my own work. If I have used your work and you are offended that I did not properly declared you as the owner, please do not raise any flags. Instead you can contact me and I will happily remove the image or declare you as the owner, if that is what you want. Thank you for reading, and I hope you'll enjoy seeing these as much as I enjoyed making them!


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