Sunday, May 26, 2013

Art reminder

Just a quick reminder, that I do not claim ownership to ANY of the artwork used in this blog. Camera snapshots from the original show "Game of Thrones" belong to Home Box Office Inc. (HBO) and Timer Warner. I am merely collating them as a hobby driven solely by fun, without any prospect of profit, income or gain of any sort.
Other artwork also does not belong to me either. I do sincerely apologize to the artists for not giving them credit to the posts until now. Using Google images is not an excuse. If you do feel offended, please do notify me and I will rectify the problem immediately.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Northeners; Bran, Hodor, Robb, Theon

 Robb as a creature. Working on his planeswalker abilities at the moment...

 God I loved making Theon :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Water dancers of Braavos!

Apologies, the title can be misleading since we do not know if Qarro Volentin is indeed a Water dancer; I just made that assumption based on Syrio Forel, who had also served as a First Sword of Braavos.

Winterfell, the Great Sept of Baelor and Titan of Braavos

Joffrey, of the House Baratheon the first of his name


Ruthless. A social climber. I love to hate this guy. We knew him as Petyr Baelish, Master of Coin for King Robert Baratheon, however he is now a Lord. With more power, we feel like he's more dangerous than ever.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The City of Asshai

Strayed away at the far side of the world, the port city of Asshai, also known as Asshai-by-the-Shadow is the most eastern city in the world, for all the people of Westeros know. In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, the colorless ghost grass fills the region making that mysterious mountain range glow under the moonlight.
The city of Asshai is a place of magic, where the people are thought to have extended knowledge of the arcane. They are dark skinned, thought to be "spawns of shadows" from the rest of the folk. It is unclear though what has preserved their magic over the years. Do they keep dragons locked in dungeons? Are there any dragons still living in the lands beyond Asshai? Or is it that the people of Asshai have found some other way? How do they keep the ghost grass from destroying the
Lady Melissandre, a shadowbinder of R'hllor is from Asshai.
Mirri Maz Duur, the maegi who performed blood magic, was also known to have been trained in Asshai.

One thing is for certain: the City of Asshai thrives with magic. Blood magic. Shadow magic. Fire magic. Air magic.

Asshai is known for dragonglass, amber and gemstones.


She's definitely one of the favorites. The Red Priestess. The Red Woman. Lady Melissandre, of Asshai.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Young Eddard Stark

The artwork though is like he's at his mid 30's, which is the age he is at during the Game of Throne's books (this is where the TV series deviated a little bit). But anyways, he was just a warrior, hard to be killed from creatures. No magic back then at Robert's Rebellion so he didn't need any protections and stuff. Cuts easily through most of the fatties. Really stubborn and them "Starks are hard to kill", so when he blocks he becomes a beast! 


Agile, superb fighting abilities, hard to kill, serial killer, can slay anything he doesn't like, careful though, the damage adds up each time he fights! (like you're ever gonna play him as a card, DUH!). He doesn't give a fuck about artifacts. Why? Because he's KHAL DROGO!



 This is some seriously buffed up shit. But it's Aegon. :)

Valyria then and now.

The spiders!

Two of my very loved characters as planeswalkers! Varys, the spider and Lady Olenna Tyrell.

Lady Olenna is known for her plots and the abilities she has to scheme and plan things ahead of time for her and her family's benefit. Her ultimate ability reflects that.

Varys. The Spider. Master of Whispers. No further comments needed.

Cersei, you little creature... (feat. Lena Headey) plus! Jaime!

Another look at Cersei, this time as a creature.

Cersei, famous for fucking up her own plans. She can pay a steep price to get what she wants but ultimately she manages to fuck it up.

Young Jaime, as a squire.

Jaime as the Kingslayer. Great swordmanship, knighthood and duelist spirit.


 In chronological order, beginning the shy White Daenerys of Pentos, using pacification and charm abilities to protect herself and summoning 2 great knights by her side to protect her.
Then the White Red Dany/Khaleesi gaining favor with the Dothraki, a Boros-inspired theme, with her ultimate summoning, who else, the 3 little dragons.
Finally, Dany the leader from the 3rd season, can call upon the former slaves that she freed to swarm by her side, call upon Unsullied officers and ultimately, summon a pyroclasm and her three dragons, 4/4's with first strike and haste.

A few planeswalkers to start with (Lannisters)

 Alright let me begin with 2 of my favorite characters in A Song of Ice and Fire. I am not entirely sure if people will manage to find spoilers in these, as I haven't even read the books myself either. I just tried to collate all the information at hand (from all the television series) in my mind and "draw" some Magic the Gathering-style abilities.

Cersei, is a really powerful character but just so it happens almost every time her grand plans backfire, because of a slight miscalculation from her part. Her first ability reflects exactly that. Her second ability shows that in order to gain an advantage, she won't hesitate to suffer losses of her own, sacrificing anyone for her cause.
Finally, her ultimate ability enables her to achieve something extraordinary, but with a huge cost. I believe Cersei perfectly fits the White/Black (Ravnica's Orzhov) character. Still, this is draft work, I'm not 100% satisfied with her.

So, Tywin. I focused more on Tywin's character in his early days of power, making the riches from his lands, his battle tactics and finally the rallying of his Knights around him, allowing him to amass a huge powerful, heavy cavalry army. 

He has the speck of black in him, because he will do anything to gain power. Targeting creatures manipulating their combat damage and resource control, also fits the Orzhov way of thinking.