Sunday, May 26, 2013

Art reminder

Just a quick reminder, that I do not claim ownership to ANY of the artwork used in this blog. Camera snapshots from the original show "Game of Thrones" belong to Home Box Office Inc. (HBO) and Timer Warner. I am merely collating them as a hobby driven solely by fun, without any prospect of profit, income or gain of any sort.
Other artwork also does not belong to me either. I do sincerely apologize to the artists for not giving them credit to the posts until now. Using Google images is not an excuse. If you do feel offended, please do notify me and I will rectify the problem immediately.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Northeners; Bran, Hodor, Robb, Theon

 Robb as a creature. Working on his planeswalker abilities at the moment...

 God I loved making Theon :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Water dancers of Braavos!

Apologies, the title can be misleading since we do not know if Qarro Volentin is indeed a Water dancer; I just made that assumption based on Syrio Forel, who had also served as a First Sword of Braavos.

Winterfell, the Great Sept of Baelor and Titan of Braavos